Petra van Meeuwen has been at Crestron for 20 years initially handling the UK marketing. For the past 13 years she has developed the EMEA PR department as Director of EMEA Media Relations. In that role, she handles and oversees the EMEA PR activities which involves press releases, media and press events, customer relations for the case studies, liaising with the PR department at HQ in the US. One of her pet projects involves the annual Crestron Integration awards where EMEA integrators are invited to enter their fabulous Crestron projects. “The awards give a real insight in the beautiful work our customers are involved in and makes the entire sales cycle complete showing the end result of an entire process”. The winners are traditionally announced at ISE where it is one of our most popular events on the Crestron stand. Petra says: “I love working at Crestron as it is such a fast-evolving company always at the forefront of new technology. The international context being able to work with media from all over Europe really fulfils me as I am able to use my language skills being a professional translator and language teacher.”
1. Have you designed your home office to be: a. inspirational, b. productive, c. relaxing. d. the same as my office at work or d. other)?
“Productive but feeling homely to be able to work focussed without any interruptions!”
2. What is the essential equipment in your home office that enables you to work?
“My laptop with Skype for Business, an iPhone and a strong coffee”
3. What unusual features can be found in your home office and what do they say about you?
“A globe. We are a global company and we need to think internationally. Plenty of pictures from my family to remind me to make time for the most important people in my life when I am at home.”
4. How often do you use your home office: a. all of the time, b. just out of office hours, c. hardly ever, d. other.
Increasingly more as we need to be able to be connected with the entire EMEA region, as well as HQ in the US and out of the ‘UK hours of working’. Also, an audioconference organised between the US and UK might take place later in the day
5. What are the biggest advantages of your home office: a. productivity, b. creativity, c. privacy, d. better work / life integration. e. other (please specify)?
Privacy and being able to work undisturbed. Especially when you are working on editorial content.
6. Do you have an audio system in your home office and what music or other content do you play while working?
Crestron Sonnex – I like classical music or relaxing music in the background.
7. What decorative objects, pictures etc do you have on the walls of your home office?
Art and family pictures – it is a home office after all. Also, one Crestron touch screen that controls the lights, AV, heating, HVAC, intercom, and shades from one interface so I can optimise my time.
8. What device in your home office wouldn’t you be without, and why?
The Crestron touch screen as it gives me instant control of anything I want to change around me – see above.
9. Who makes the tea when you are working in your home office?
I only drink coffee, and I like to brew it myself!
10. In the future, do you think that it is likely that more work will be undertaken remotely, outside of the traditional office?
Yes, people are more mobile and modern technology allows us to be connected from wherever you are. Nothing beats collegiality but working remotely is definitely an option when required.